Leadership Team Performance Applied

A high-performing team frees its members' genius to create the extraordinary together. No two teams face the same situations, have the same goals, or have the same members; there is not one formula for success. Our approach assumes that each team has a unique set of strengths and areas for development. We seek to guide that team to understand what it needs to do now based on its current business challenges.

Program Overview

We developed the Leadership Team Performance Program to examine the team itself because a team's effectiveness cannot be fully understood only through assessing its individuals, though this is often the method used. The LTPI™ does not evaluate individual members' preferences or personalities. The underlying philosophy is that a team is not a sum of the individuals but a sum of how they behave together.


Kick-off: Contract and Agreement Signature

Who: Executive-level leadership teams

How: Team 360 Assessment prior to an in-person or virtual workshop 

Where: Zoom or MS Teams video conference – no travel required or in-person workshops.

Investment: $29,900 per cohort of 12 members

Registration: Let's Talk! Complimentary Discovery Discussion 30-minute complimentary discussion designed to explore options.